
Patrick Sparks at Mission Espada, San Antonio

Engineer, Preservationist, Texan

Patrick Sparks: engineer, preservationist, Texan. Sparks Engineering is a short distance from an I-35 exit on North Flores Street, located ...
Independence Plaza at Space Center Houston (the official Visitors’ Center next to NASA’s Johnson Space Center)

Independence Plaza at Space Center Houston

Visited Independence Plaza at Space Center Houston (the official Visitors’ Center next to NASA’s Johnson Space Center), looking at the ...
Dance floor at Twin Sisters Dance Hall, Blanco, Texas

Twin Sisters Dance Hall

Dark, rainy, and a bit cold as we turned from the eighty-mile-an-hour US 281 onto a one lane horse and ...
National Gallery of Art, Washinton DC, 2024

I-Beam Washington DC

Walking along Pennsylvania Avenue near 10th Street in Washington DC, I saw protruding from a bed of gravel a structural ...
US-75 Bridge spanning West Central Ave on approach to Mackinac Bridge, Mackinaw City, Michigan

In Awe of This Experience

June 1956: President Eisenhower signs into law the Federal Aid Highway Act, and the construction of the Michigan’s Interstate Highway ...